My Contributions to Tracker - GSoC 2016

Friday, March 25, 2016

The tracker project is one of most interesting projects that I have come across as a computer science undergraduate. Therefore to get myself familiar with Tracker and SCoRe, I studied about projects such as Tracker, OpenDF, and OpenADS. I started getting myself involved with SCoRe by analyzing the code base and eventually fixing reported issues in Github.

This post describes the tasks I have done so far in the context of tracker.

The following tasks were done before the project proposal was submitted
  1. I started the NodeJs server and played with the existing User Interfaces (UIs). No any issues were faced when setting up the system and getting it up and running. I tested the provided endpoints with dummy data to create trackers and add tracker location data. Here is a screenshot I got when the path analyze option is carried out for a tracker I created which has data about 4 locations (timestamps) on the map.
  2. I inspected the code and tested the endpoints with dummy requests. While doing this, I found some issues in the endpoints. I have reported them to corresponding mentors and to the Google group of SCoRe Lab. I will list some examples here briefly.

    • For example, POST /api/tracker/create takes three params id, status and device and saves them in the mongo database. But When I check the mongo db using robomongo, the id is replaced by the auto generated id of mongo. The reason for this as I found is that the model defined using mongoose schema does not have a field to store the Id sent.
    • Another example is that the current implementation can be manipulated to enter multiples entries with the same mac. I believe that the mac better be unique and that it should be enforced by the corresponding route itself.

    • More details about the two issues mentioned can be found in my community post

  3. The current implementation does not have a proper authorization and authentication methodology as reported in github issue#2 I have forked a local copy of the Tracker repository and implemented codes to address this issue and sent a Pull Request (#37). This is what I have done so far.

    • Create a new user in the system with the attributes Name, Username and Password when a post request is sent to the corresponding endpoint. Password is hashed using bcrypt.
    • A sessionless mechanism which generates a web token using JSON Web Tokens when a user tries to authenticate using valid credentials and sends back as a response. This token would be sent along with future requests to validate them. The middleware to check requests is not yet enabled. Invalid or incomplete requests are properly handled.
    • Passport authentication using a local strategy for the use by the web interface which maintains a session expiring in a given time. Middleware to validate requests is also implemented.
    • A user interface for the signup and signin task which consumes the above endpoints. 
    • In addition, I have created a wikipage in the repository to show details about the service endpoints related to resource model

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