Tracker by SCoRe Lab

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Tracker is a product of SCoRE(The Sustainable Computing Research Group) which helps developers to kick start developing mobility tracking applications by letting GPS devices to post their locations to a nodejs server through a REST service.

My Contributions to Tracker - GSoC 2016

Friday, March 25, 2016

The tracker project is one of most interesting projects that I have come across as a computer science undergraduate. Therefore to get myself familiar with Tracker and SCoRe, I studied about projects such as Tracker, OpenDF, and OpenADS. I started getting myself involved with SCoRe by analyzing the code base and eventually fixing reported issues in Github.

This post describes the tasks I have done so far in the context of tracker.

Git Handbook

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Version controlling is one of the key requirements of modern day software development. Version control systems allow developers to keep track of the changes in the code base and cooperate with a development team. Git is one of the most popular version controlling systems used today. In this post, we will not dig the differences of git and github. We will instead guide you along the basic commands you need when working with git.